Dear RCC family,
As many of you know, as the COVID infections in our community began to rise following Thanksgiving gatherings, we suspended in-person worship at Reidsville Christian Church beginning November 29, 2020. Over the last eleven weeks, we have continued to evaluate the local infection-rate data while we have prayerfully sought God’s wisdom and leading. As your leaders, we take very seriously the responsibility that you have given us, to keep you, our flock, safe while at the same time providing the best atmosphere and opportunities for you to grow spiritually.
We are extremely thankful that the virus numbers in our area have begun to decline over the last few weeks. Our prayer is that this trend will continue in the weeks and months to come.
But while our in-person worship services may have been suspended, we have continued to meet together as leaders. Over the last couple months, we have spent many hours praying and discussing ways to bring our church family back together as safely as possible, while also recognizing that we all have different preferences and ideologies.
To that end, we are pleased to announce that we are resuming in-person worship beginning Sunday, February 21, with the following modifications:
- Our 8:30 AM service will be a “Mask
Mandatory” service.
- The service is being offered in this format to protect the volunteers and worshipers who are currently only willing to be present and participate in a “mask-only” environment.
- This will be our livestream option each Sunday morning at 8:30 AM, with full praise team worship. The video will be archived and available for later viewing at
- For those who choose to not to wear a mask, we understand. We simply ask for your cooperation to help us keep this service a “fully masked” option for those who do.
- We are not initially requiring you to RSVP
your attendance for services each week. If we find later that this is
necessary, we will make the change at that time. We are, however, asking you
to RSVP for the Easter Sunday service on April 4. The link to do so will be
available and published two weeks prior. If necessary, we will add a third
service that morning at 11:30 AM.
- Our 10 AM service will be a “Mask Required” service.
- Those who attend this service are encouraged to wear a mask. However, for those who choose not to, there will be an “Unmasked” seating section similar to what we had previously, only larger.
- While our desire is for the 10 AM worship service to mirror the 8:30’s, that, as well as our ability to livestream it, will be dependent on the availability of our volunteers.
- For those who choose to wear a mask, please understand that there will be others in the room who choose not to. Those who require a “masked” service have the options of the 8:30 AM service and livestream/archive video to choose from.
- As stated above, we are not initially requiring you to RSVP your attendance for services each week. If we find later that this is necessary, we will make the change at that time. We are, however, asking you to RSVP for the Easter Sunday service on April 4. The link to do so will be available and published two weeks prior. If necessary, we will add a third service that day at 11:30 AM.
As has been the case throughout the pandemic, we understand that not everybody will be pleased with these modifications. Many of them require a temporary sacrifice of personal preferences. However, we believe that these measures are currently the best way we know to protect our volunteers and attendees, provide quality online worship, and allow for in-person gatherings.
Our goal, as the virus’ spread hopefully continues to decline, is to reopen many of our various ministries, as we are able. Assuming the conditions allow, the first addition of ministries will be in two weeks.
- Next Phase (March 7):
- We will continue the above schedule while adding
Children’s Ministry to the 8:30 service, as well as Student Ministry to
the 8:30 and 10 AM services.
- Beyond:
- Resume in-person Wednesday night study in conjunction with our current online audience
- Resume Children’s Ministry at the 10 AM service
- Expand Children’s and Student Ministry activities outside of Sundays
- Resume Wednesday Night Life, with adult and children’s classes, as well as weekly meals
- Resume other educational opportunities and fellowship activities
Again, please understand that the time frame for reopening additional ministries will be dependent on the health conditions around us. We will continue to look at the data specific for our area and make the best decisions in real time, prayerfully hoping for even an accelerated time.
To say that the last year has been a difficult one is an understatement. In some ways, it has brought us closer together, but in others, it has divided us. However, one of the main slogans of our spiritual heritage is: “In essentials, unity; in matters of opinion, liberty; but in all things, love.”
Please know: Unity matters. Unity has been one of the hallmarks of Reidsville Christian for the last several decades and, we believe, is one of the reasons for God’s incredible blessing on our church.
Unity matters. It matters to us, as your leaders, and we hope that the above plan is a reflection of our desire for unity by trying to make a space for everyone.
But more importantly, unity matters to God.
So, we ask that you stand with us and demonstrate to our community and world that in spite of any different opinions we may have, they are overshadowed by our love for one another, our love for our neighbors, and our love for our Savior.
We are so looking forward to seeing many of you very soon. And we are confident that the best is yet to come!
The Elders of Reidsville Christian Church