
Dear Reidsville Christian Church Family,

Almost four months ago, I wrote you about Reidsville Christian Church’s three-phase plan to come back to in-person worship on Sunday mornings with the hope of opening up other areas of ministry as we were safely able to do so. We called this RESTART, REBUILD, and REUNITE.

We have been meeting in-person on Sunday mornings now for three months. Our leadership believes that we have and continue to have safety precautions in place to help make the worship services in our auditorium as safe as possible.

While the health climate around us has not improved as quickly as we had hoped (our original projection was for all ministries to be open by Sept. 1), we believe that, with proper precautions, now is the time to begin REBUILDING some of our ministries.

To that end, we plan to offer the following ministry opportunities over the next few weeks, with the stated protocols and guidelines:

An adult Bible study will be offered on Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM, beginning Sept. 9. The study will be offered both in-person (in our auditorium) and via Zoom. Each night will include approximately 30 minutes of teaching in the series, In the Beginning; A Study of Genesis chapters 1-2, followed by a prayer time (both in-person and Zoom). The teaching will also be recorded and available online for later viewing without the prayer concerns. If you would like the Zoom link, please email the church office.

Precautions for the in-person Bible study will be similar to those on Sunday mornings, including:

  • Masks are required. If you are unable to wear a mask during the study, there will be separate auditorium seating available for you.
  • Hand sanitizing at the entrance is required.
  • Doors will be limited to one-way traffic, with a separate assigned entrance and exit door.
  • Seating will be arranged to accommodate social distancing. There should be at least two seats between you and someone who is not a part of your immediate family.

In addition, we plan to begin offering children’s ministry opportunities on Sunday mornings with a limited schedule. We understand that while some families are anxiously awaiting the restart of our children’s ministries, others may be reluctant to allow their children to be a part of a large group gathering. We currently believe that our 8:30 service, because of its high percentage of worn masks, is our safest service. So, beginning Sunday, October 4, Children’s Church will be offered during our 8:30 service ONLY.

Because physical distancing in the nursery is nearly impossible, all of our nurseries continue to be closed. The baby nursery (Room #301) is open for parents/caregivers to be able to change their children’s diapers, if necessary.

Here are some of the safety protocols we are implementing to keep our children as safe as possible:

  • Masks will be required for volunteers and encouraged (but not required) for children. Masks will be available for any who do not have one.

  • Volunteers will have a temperature check each Sunday morning. Anyone with a temperature over 99.0 will not be allowed to serve that day.

  • If your child is not feeling well, is experiencing any cough, sore throat, or fever, or if anyone in your home is experiencing these symptoms, we ask that you do not bring them to church.

  • Our children’s church program will be relocated for the foreseeable future to our education building, using the two classrooms across from the restrooms for Toddlers (ages 18-35 months) and Preschool (ages 3-5), and the fellowship hall as the main gathering area for children K-5th grade. These larger rooms will allow for adequate space to spread out our children and volunteers. The entire education building will be professionally sanitized prior to the startup.

  • There will be a single check-in location for your child. We ask that only one parent is involved with the drop-off and pick-up of their children. Only approved leaders will be allowed beyond the check-in point.

  • Each child in both the preschool and K-5 groups will have their own supply bucket (crayons, scissors, etc.) to be used by them solely each week.

  • Hand sanitizing stations will be available and encouraged.

  • The restrooms, commonly touched surfaces, chairs and floors will be cleaned each week prior to Sunday’s children activities. 

Finally, our student ministry is planning to begin offering limited opportunities in September as well, both service-oriented and social. They are serving with Man-Up ministry on Saturday morning, Sept. 12, and having a bonfire at the church on Sunday evening, Sept. 27. Our Student Minister, Dan Dodson, is communicating the details and safety precautions for these events to our youth and their parents. If you are not receiving his emails and updates, please reach out to him at

We realize that there is so much more than many of you are wanting and ready to do here at the church. At this time, we are not restarting Connection Groups or the fellowship time between services. The building is still not available for any groups or meetings outside of church services. However, we feel that with the ministry openings outlined here, we are beginning to see the glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Of course, as always, we need your cooperation with these guidelines to ensure that we are doing all that we can to keep our church family as safe as possible.

Finally, all plans are subject to adjustment as conditions improve or worsen.

Please continue to keep our church leaders in your prayers as we try to balance all of our responsibilities (both spiritual welfare and safety) for our church family. Know that we are praying for you and your family as well.
