Reidsville Christian Church family,
With our state’s current stay-at-home measures potentially ending next Friday,
May 8, and Gov. Cooper’s three-phase plan to follow, our leaders do not believe
that it is reasonable nor feasible that we will be able to meet together as a
church family before June 1st. If Gov. Cooper’s timetable is not
altered, it could be as late as mid to late June.
While we wait, we want to use the next month to get ready for that return. Once
the current restrictions allow for us to meet together as a group of 100 (date unknown),
we do not want to simply say, “We’re open!” but rather, “What have we done to
create an atmosphere that allows for the most people to feel comfortable to
return?” The following guidelines stem from that vision.
Although our reopening plan has three phases, they DO NOT mirror the timeline
of the state’s three-phase plan. We realize that this email is lengthy but hope
that you will review all of the guidelines. We have tried to be as clear and
specific as possible with as many of the unknown factors facing us.
PHASE 1 - to last four to six weeks (This applies to Sunday Worship ONLY. All other services and events, both church and community, are canceled):
- Sunday AM Worship
- There will be three Family Worship services (8:30 / 9:45 / 11:00 AM).
- We will use an online booking system (or call-in to the church office) to keep each service at 100 people (includes worship team, security team, and leaders - approx. 15). To comply with the state’s order, it will be necessary to reserve seats for each service. Once the attendance limit has been reached, that service will be closed for that Sunday. If you make a reservation and find that you are unable to attend, we ask that you contact the church office to free up your seats. Each service's reservations will start over every Monday morning.
- Seating will be arranged to accommodate 100 people with social distancing.
- The worship service will be available online either as a live-stream or video.
- Those who are at risk are encouraged to continue staying at home.
- Social distancing and masks will be required.
- There will be a separate assigned entrance and exit door.
- Secondary Ministry Meetings
- No Nursery will be available.
- No Children’s or Student Ministry meetings in person
- No Connection Groups in person
- No Fellowship Time between services (coffee, donuts, etc.)
- No small groups, classes, Bible studies or meetings (outside of leadership) on campus
- Safety and Sanitation Upgrades
- In the parking lots, we ask each driver to distance their car so that there is a parking spot between each car.
- Automatic hand sanitizer pumps will be located at the entrance to the auditorium.
- Masks will be available for pickup as you enter the front door. Additional screenings at the door are being considered.
- Restroom and commonly touched surfaces will be cleaned before and after each service (Doorknobs, counter tops, microphones, piano keys, sound board, computers, etc.)
- Greeters will not shake hands (or hug).
- A communion cup and bulletin will be placed at each seat by gloved volunteers.
- Offering boxes will be available at the door as you enter/leave.
- Pens and guest/prayer/service cards will be removed from the auditorium.
- In addition to suspending the fellowship time between services, the water fountains will not be available for use.
PHASE 2 - to last four to six weeks (This applies to Sunday Worship ONLY. All other services and events, both church and community, unless otherwise noted, are canceled):
- Sunday AM Worship
- There will continue to be three Family Worship services (8:30 / 9:45 / 11:00 AM).
- We will continue to use an online booking system (or call-in to the church office) to keep each service at 100-150 people (includes worship team, security team, and leaders). The actual number will be determined by current restrictions from the state.)
- Seating will be arranged to accommodate 100-150 people with social distancing.
- The worship service will continue to be available online either as a live-stream or video.
- Those who are at risk are encouraged to return as they feel comfortable. (If the numbers necessitate, we will consider having a senior-citizen only service.)
- Social distancing will be required / masks are highly recommended
- There will continue to be a separate assigned entrance and exit door.
- Secondary Ministry Meetings
- Nursery will be available during the 8:30 AM and 11 AM services (but not 9:45 AM), with increased health guidelines, including temperature check of participants and volunteers.
- Children’s and Student Ministry summer events will resume on a limited basis with distancing guidelines.
- No Children’s or Student Ministry meetings on Sunday
- No Connection Groups in person
- No Fellowship Time between services (coffee, donuts, etc.)
- No small groups, classes, Bible studies or meetings (outside of leadership) on campus
- Safety and Sanitation Upgrades
- See Phase 1
PHASE 3 – Projected date of September 1: Reopen all ministries, groups, and meetings at church with guidelines.
- Sunday AM Worship
- Return to two morning worship services (8:30 / 11:00 AM)
- The worship service will continue to be available online either as a live-stream or video.
- Social distancing will be encouraged, as well as honoring other’s wishes regarding hand shaking and hugging. Masks are optional.
- Seating will be arranged to accommodate 225 people with modified social distancing.
- Secondary Ministry Meetings
- Nursery will be available during both services, with increased health guidelines for participants and volunteers.
- Children’s and Student Ministry Sunday meetings will resume with distancing guidelines.
- Connection Groups will resume, but with maximum numbers for each classroom.
- Small groups, classes, Bible studies and meetings on campus will resume.
- Wednesday Night Life studies will resume. However, the meal will be suspended until 2021 (this decision will be evaluated this fall once we have a better idea what the situation is in our community and nation.)
- Safety and Sanitation Upgrades
- Restrooms, children’s areas, high traffic areas will be deep cleaned each week and prior to each service.
some may consider these guidelines to be “overboard,” our goal, again, is to
bring our entire congregation back to worship as we are able, as safely and as
comfortably for all as possible. Our approach is, to the best of our knowledge,
the best way that we can “love our neighbors” at this time. As we move forward,
know that we will continue to have a conservative response to the evolving “new
normal” that our entire world is dealing with.
Finally, all plans are subject to adjustment as conditions improve or worsen.
Over the next few months, the Elders and staff will take current data into
account while thoughtfully and prayerfully making the best decisions possible
for the entire Reidsville Christian Church family.
Thank you for your prayers and your understanding. We look forward to
worshiping in-person with you as soon as possible!
The Elders of Reidsville Christian Church