What is an Elder?
According to our understanding of 1 Timothy 5:17, elders are the leaders of the local church. As such, they should be pace-setters in spiritual matters, an example to the flock, and persons of vision and faith.
Who are our Elders?
Tim Cox, Luke Eure, John Guilford, Ted Murrell, David Styons, Harry Wilson, Harvey Yarbrough, Todd Whalen
What does it take to be an elder?
The passages in 1 Timothy 3:1-11 and Titus 1:5-9 form the basis for the Biblical qualifications of an elder. Our expectations of an elder are that he has...
Spirituality – a strong Bible-based faith / is well-grounded in God's Word and prayer
Giftedness – needs to be gifted as a leader
Passion – a strong desire to serve
Experience – an understanding of the church and Biblical doctrine
Chemistry – a good working relationship with other elders and staff
Proven Service – has established himself through effective ministry involvement