While we are still unable to have our complete Wednesday Night Life program, we are offering this Bible Study on Wednesdays in September and October both in-person and via Zoom. We are studying possibly the two most important chapters in the entire Bible - Genesis 1 and 2.
The in-person seating will be similar to Sunday AM worship, with social distancing and masks. However, while Shannon is teaching, he will also be connected to a Zoom Bible Study for those who want to join but still aren't quite ready to do so in-person. Finally, the teaching will be videoed and archived for later viewing (but not live-streamed).
Each night's study begins at 6:30 PM with approximately 30 minutes of teaching and study, followed by a time of prayer (both in-person and Zoom, but not video). For the Zoom link, please email Shannon at shannon@reidsville.cc.
Recordings of past teachings are available here.