current activities and events
Our Middle School and High School Connect services are on Sunday nights. The services are geared separately for middle and high school students throughout the month. Connect runs from 7-8 PM (Doors open at 6:30 PM). At the end of the month, both middle and high school students come together for a Connect party from 6-8 PM that features a meal, games, and worship. Your student belongs here, and we cannot wait to be a part of the faith journeys of every student that walks through our doors.
SUmmer calendars
Click HERE for the June, July, and August calendar of events and activities for 2019.
Camping trip to Smith Mountain Lake
July 19-20th, we are taking an overnight camping trip to Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia. There is no cost to students, and it is open to all students (rising) 6th-12th grade. We will leave from the church on Friday at 9 AM and return back to the church on Saturday at 9 PM. Deadline to register is Wednesday July 17th.
Greensboro Grasshoppers Baseball Game
Friday August 9th we are taking our students out to the ballgame! Open to all students (rising) 6th-12th grade. Cost is $10 which includes admission into the game. Register before Sunday, August 4th.
Carowinds Amusement Park Trip
Friday August 16th we are taking our students to Carowinds Amusement Park! Open to all students (rising) 6th-12th grades. Cost of the trip is $50 which includes park admission and two meals. Register before Wednesday August 17th.